Friday, June 5, 2015

Take home final assignment

              Samara Golden is an Artist that created a piece called "The Flat Side of The Knife". Based on the title of this installation my interpretation of it is,  a knife is a dangerous tool the flat side is shiny and smooth but as it gets closer to the edge its jagged, which means means it's rough point.
             Based on this information from the title and viewing this this piece which includes a video of the ocean and musical instruments, will chairs, surgical equipment in a huge mirror that is used to reflect what's underneath. This is basically showing what is above is the same below, the mirrors gives us the illusion that there is a third level. This is called "layers of consciousness" which also helps with the illusion of space.I believe that the mirrors was a great add to the piece, it was a great way to add more levels when there was only 2.
              There is a small section on the lower level of her piece, where it was more of a comfort zone it included a sofa and a t.v. In an interview Samara mention that the couch was from her hometown Michigan. Also said that the lower level was her favorite. continuing on with the interview she also specified that this piece is the deepest she has ever created and also the largest installation she has ever done.
              This installation was the most personal to her because about 10 years ago from creating this she suffered with pneumonia and death was imminent, this piece represents the environment and her experience around her the way she was feeling at the time. She refers to this art piece has layers of consciousness because having a near death experience messes with the subconscious mind,which now I believe that is the reason why the lower level is her favorite because it was memories and that's what the preconscious mind holds thoughts feelings and memories.
               I believe her name fits well into this piece also, Samara means protected by God. For her to over come this near death experience really is amazing, God gave her another chance at life and she decided to share this experience that she was going through with us. It makes me look at the world in a different way, I will never take anything for granted because at any point I can have my life taken away from me.