Wednesday, March 18, 2015

online assignment #1

   Based on the online lecture called "HarmanIntroEgyptianGreek" there are particular qualities in Egyptian art, a lot of their art as symbolism such as the frontal position represent loyalty and strength as well as the Greek style. Difference between Greek and Egyptian art is Greek art has the quailities life meaning the ability of movement. Roman art captures the details in a humans facial features such as the wrinkles and face expression. Later on there was a shift, became more about representing religion in their artwork.
   "Hatshepsut in a Devotional attitude" (1473-1458 B.C) Hatshepsut means foremost of noble women.  The women in the first picture is Hatshepsut she was the first female pharaoh during her period, it was said that she ruling was calm and peaceful. The material that was used to create her statue is granite. As you can see she maintain the tradition by wearing the fake beard and headdress which is used to identify gods or goddess and to prove their high position. Hatshepsut also has her foot forward standing in a frontal position with left foot forward which was common for royality.
     "Marble head of chrysippos" 1st century A.D, made of marble. According to the met museum website,  this was a portrait of a philosopher who believe that human beings should be free. the reason for the portrait of the head not full body is to represent the strength and his face and instead of showing the whole body him being a bowl age the reason for the portrait of the head not full body is to represent the strength and his face and instead of showing the whole body it would represent weakness because of old age.
 The difference between the two art pieces I have shown is that Egyptian art, full body frontal position show strength and loyalty it also represents royalty whereas the other doesnt

stand for full body images because based on the person's age it will show sign of weakness

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